Negotiating Beyond Tomorrow

Our lives represent the sum total of what we negotiate. And throughout history, Hominids have had two choices of interaction: peaceful negotiation or violent conflict. Research presented in Negotiating Beyond Tomorrow demonstrates we are hard wired to negotiate in one respect, but often do not understand the complexity of this multipart system. Using research conducted over the last century generally, and the last two decades specifically, a model of negotiation as a system involving three subsystems emerges and enlightens the intended readers, those of us who negotiate. This book informs everyone who negotiates, whether it is a Chief Financial Officer closing billion dollar merger, a diplomat allocating international water rights or a parent influencing a surly teenager to make the right life choice. Negotiating Beyond Tomorrow's creative and innovative systems based approach is a must read for everyone who wants to obtain a desired outcome that involves another person. This is not a static book to occupy the shelf, but one of great utility, to be searched, referenced, written on, dog-eared and referred to again and again. Learners and leaders can use this to prevail in the marketplace, family, formal negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation or life, by increasing accord durability and avoiding destructive conflict.