Notes to Brian

NOTES TO BRIAN: ON COMING OF AGE IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM offers a sociological interpretation of the evolution of an American boy between 1999-2017. It highlights his progression from birth, through early childhood & adolescence, and into adulthood. It celebrates the meaning of life's daily routines by providing context for what they represent within the larger panorama of living. The reader can follow Brian's development with the understanding that Brian's story captures a point in time within American culture. That point in time reflects the blessings, challenges, celebrations, heartaches, anger, & frustrations inherit in the loving relationship between father and son. It unblinkingly addresses the wide range of emotions associated with family relations, socioeconomic class, peer influences, spirituality, maturation, social indoctrination, divorce, materialism and what it means to be human. It offers lessons from the past, insights about the present and hope for the future.