On the general, the special and the general-special relativity theory

From the foreword by Dr. rer. pol. Erik Kolek This book provides a simple yet accurate introduction to Albert Einstein's general and special theories of relativity and Erik Kolek's general-special theory of relativity. To understand this book, a basic knowledge of the mathematics of theoretical physics is required, as the contents are described based on a general scientific and philosophical view of this theory of relativity.

Erik Kolek is a scientist of business informatics, particularly information systems and enterprise modeling. He studied three degree courses: business administration and marketing with a focus on product and customer management at University of Applied Sciences Heilbronn. He has completed two master's degrees: international marketing and communication at University of Applied Sciences Heilbronn and economic science at the DistanceUniversity of Hagen. Erik Kolek received his doctorate in economic science (Dr. rer. pol.) from the University of Hildesheim in 2023. His doctoral thesis is entitled empirical studies of cooperation visualization in enterprises. In theoretical physics, he works on theories.