Once upon a time behind the Berlin Wall...

"Once upon a time behind the Berlin Wall..." takes you on David Frohriep's emotional and cultural rollercoaster ride from East to West: as a child and teenager in communist Germany with a first unexpected adventure in New York and a dramatic return to East Germany; escape to West-Berlin; diplomat in reunified Germany; women and a career in NYC, London and Paris; and a great love for Europe. David explores what it means to be "free", discovering new ways of living and escaping from a few risky situations along the way. Through these ten personal stories, we find out how he pursues his dream to find professional fulfillment and personal happiness.

David Frohriep ist Sohn des bekannten DDR-Schauspielerpaares Jürgen Frohriep und Kati Székely, sowie Enkel des Oscar-prämierten Schriftstellers Janos Székely. Er lebt heute in Paris und ist internationaler Kommunikationsexperte und Coach. David Frohriep is the son of the well-known East German actor couple Jürgen Frohriep and Kati Székely, and grandson of the Oscar-winning writer Janos Székely. He now lives in Paris and is an international communications expert and coach.

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