Osteosynthesis of the Hand

<p><strong>FOUR STARS from Doody's Star Ratings™</strong></p><p><cite>Osteosynthesis of the Hand</cite> is the ideal reference tool for every hand surgeon interested in learning more about proven osteosynthesis techniques in hand surgery.</p><p><strong>Special features:</strong></p><ul><li>A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of common tools and implants.</li><li>A total of 775 illustrations showing detailed descriptions of techniques, clearly demonstrating each important step.</li><li>The many illustrations, in combination with concise and pertinent text, result in detailed, yet easy-to-grasp descriptions of the relevant surgical procedures.</li><li>A chapter on differential indications with unique tabular summaries of the most common fracture types and their current surgical management options. Both the fracture type and the management options are shown in clear graphic form, complemented by X-ray images of the individual fractures.</li></ul>

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