Why are we here? What is life's purpose? Is there life after death? Reincarnation? Are Spiritual visitors coming to Earth soon? What is the truth about UFOs? This book proposes new thoughts for Earth Souls to change their ways to save the Planet and their own Souls. Through automatic writing, Jan Adler and Ron Oberon conversed with some of the World's most gifted thinkers, including Michelangelo, Theodore Roosevelt and Aristotle, and learned new answers to these and other critical questions. This is a book of life to help you get on with your life - a guide towards the path of true fulfillment and happiness, in this life and beyond. 'You only make things better for yourself when you think of someone else. We in the high Universe are so grateful for you, Jan and Ron, for presenting this higher knowledge for all Earth Souls to choose, to think for themselves about what we say,' - Mary Todd Lincoln