Pastors and Licensed Mental Health Professionals Working Together

The inspiring journey of Dr. Diane Oliver-Page Hairston is a colourful depiction of how God's plan for our lives started before we could understand the purpose of our why's, how's and whereabouts of the occurrences and events that plays out like a well written parable; in this case, it's a real-life story with a spiritual meaning. God's word in the book of Romans clearly reminds us that we know all things work together for good to them that love God. The caveat is, to them who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Pastors and Licensed Mental Health Professionals will demonstrate how a young five year old girl found her way home and found God at the same time. We are never alone in our journey. God is always with us as the Holy Spirit guides and protects us along the way. In the many trials and tribulations, as well as the triumphs and victories displayed in Dr. Diane's life, it was evident that God's hand was upon her. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (Psalm 23:4). In her quest, God has brought her through many dangers seen and unseen for such a time as this to "Keep It Real" as she ministers to others. God must be praised for the things He has done in her life. It is the love of God our Father who shows us through His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, that guided her through this journey called life. "God must be Praised!" This book will introduce to some and transform the lives of others as you experience the voice of God speaking to you in your personal journey knowing that He is chanting, "you can do it," over and over again, to encourage you not to ever give up but to hold on to God's unchanging hands. This race is not given to the swift nor the strong but unto them that endure to the end (Ecclesiastes 9:11).