People Of The Lie

A gripping book from the bestselling author of hugely popular self-help book, The Road Less Travelled. Leading psychiatrist and self-help pioneer Dr M.Scott Peck reveals his encounters with evil, during sessions with patients of his psychiatric therapy.",The patient suddenly resembled a writhing snake of great strength. . . More frightening than the writhing body, however, was the face. The eyes were hooded with lazy reptilian torpor. . .", This is the second bestselling book by Dr M. Scott Peck. In this gripping psychology book, the leading psychiatrist describes his encounters during psychiatric therapy with patients who are not merely ill but manifestly evil - People of the Lie. This brilliant, disturbing book forces us to confront the darker side of our natures and to recogise that without spiritual and religious dimension, modern psychiatry cannot claim to understand human nature or behaviour. It is a worthy successor to The Road Less Travelled.

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