Philosophical paths in secondary school: constructing concepts

This book describes philosophical thinking as something that should be inherent in high school philosophy students. This thinking unfolds through criticality, citizenship, emancipation and the intellectual autonomy of the subjects of education - teacher and student. The neuralgic point of this article is that it is possible to make high school students into creators of concepts. The creation of concepts (DELEUZE 1992; 2003; 2011) is a tool that the philosopher uses to effectively be a philosopher. This experience of creation is possible for high school students, but it must be encouraged by the teacher so that, thanks to problematisation in its various stages (GALLO 2000; 2008; 2012; 2013; 2014), students can create philosophical epistemologies in construction. I. Kant's (1992) perspective that philosophy is not taught, but how to philosophise. Kant (1992), becomes necessary for the realisation of philosophical knowledge/doing. We found in the students we researched, creators of concepts in becoming. This is the main theme of this work.