Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Markers

The genesis of the volume, Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Markers, has been the occasion of the retirement of Professor Sant Saran Bhojwani from the Department of Botany, University of Delhi. For Professor Bhojwani, retirement only means relinquishing the chair as being a researcher and a teacher which has always been a way of life to him. Professor Bhojwani has been an ardent practitioner of modern plant biology and areas like Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Breeding have been close to his heart. The book contains original as well as review articles contributed by his admirers and associates who are experts in their area of research. While planning this contributory book our endeavour has been to incorporate articles that cover the entire gamut of Plant Biotechnology, and also applications of Molecular Markers. Besides articles on in vitro fertilization and micropropagation, there are articles on forest tree improvement through genetic engineering. Considering the importance of conservation of our precious natural wealth, one article deals with cryopreservation of plant material. Chapter on molecular marker considers DNA indexing as markers of clonal fidelity of in vitro regenerated plants and prevention against bio-piracy. A couple of write-ups also cover stage-specific gene markers, DNA polymorphism and genetic engineering, including raising of stress tolerant plants to sustain productivity and help in reclamation of degraded land.