Practical Guide on Transboundary Waste Movements

In view of the risk posed by the improper handling of hazardous waste, the extensive international, European and national regulations on the transboundary shipment of waste aim to prevent the shipment of hazardous waste in particular to countries that do not have the appropriate capacities for environmentally sound disposal. This guidebook is based on the valuable experience of the expert Dr. Joachim Wuttke, who was head of the Basel Convention Focal Point at the German Federal Environment Agency for many years, as well as on seminar materials he prepared as a speaker on transboundary waste shipments for various seminar organisers. The handbook is therefore intended to support all interested parties and those involved in authorities, industry and society in the application and implementation of the extensive international regulations on transboundary waste shipments. In addition to all relevant legal provisions, it contains a number of practical aids, especially on waste classification. An explanatory text at the beginning of the book explains the interrelationships and the most important legal regulations in a practical manner. This compilation of information provides waste producers, exporters and disposers with a good knowledge base and can contribute to the successful implementation of the legal regulations, the avoidance of illegal waste shipments and the support of enforcement.

Dr. Joachim Wuttke studied chemistry at the Ruhr University of Bochum, where he received his PhD in organic photochemistry in 1985. From November 1985 to April 2018, he was a scientific employee at the German Federal Environment Agency. From 1993 to 2018, he was head of the section "Municipal Waste Management, Hazardous Waste, Focal Point to the Basel Convention". From 1990 to 2005, Dr Joachim Wuttke was a lecturer for "Packaging and Environment" at the University of Applied Science in Berlin. He has worked as a short-term expert in EU programmes such as "Twinning" and TAIEX in Bulgaria, Estonia, Israel, the Slovak Republic, Poland, Turkey and Egypt. He has also worked as a consultant for the OSCE and other organisations. He chaired the project group "Collection and Transboundary Movement of Used and End-of-life Mobile Phones" of the Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative of the Basel Convention. Within the Partnership for Action on Computer Equipment (PACE) of the Basel Convention, he co-chaired the project groups "Transboundary Movement of Used and End-of-Life Com-puting Equipment" and "Environmentally Sound Material Recovery/Recycling of End-of-Life Computing Equipment". In the Framework of Basel Convention he developed the Biomedical and Health-Care Waste Guideline of the Basel Convention, including inter-governmental negotiations. Furthermore he developed and proposed amendments of the Waste Lists of the Basel Convention, including inter-governmental negotiations of these amendments. From May 2018, he has been working as a consultant (e.g. for the Basel Convention Secretariat) and is, among other things, a lecturer/speaker in particular on issues related to transfrontier waste shipments and waste classification.