Primary Care Sleep Medicine

Primary Care Sleep Medicine - A Practical Guide was among the first books to address sleep medicine for a primary care audience. It remains the primary text oriented to the primary care physician with an interest in sleep disorders medicine. Since this title published, there have been many changes in the sleep field. A new text oriented towards supporting the primary care physician in the practice of sleep medicine is needed; an updated second edition of Primary Care Sleep Medicine - A Practical Guide could fill this knowledge gap. This second edition will include updated information on insomnia medications, post-traumatic stress disorders, home sleep testing protocols, complex sleep apnea and the defined role for primary care physicians in sleep medicine.

James F. Pagel, M.D., works at the Rocky Mt. Sleep Disorders Center and is Director of Sleep works Laboratory, Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is the author of more than eighty papers on dream use, insomnia, sleep/dream electrophysiology, drug effects on sleep and dreams, altitude effects on sleep, the definition of dream, and stress/disaster associations of dreaming. He is co-author of training programs for sleep physicians on pediatric sleep and obstructive sleep apnea and the ICD-11 diagnostic code for Recurrent Nightmares. Recent areas of study include drug induced nightmares, drugs that induce somnolence, the role of dreaming in the creative process, non-dreamers, the changes in dream and nightmare recall with age, gender and sleep apnea, the association of AD/HD with pediatric sleep apnea and the body-mind interface. Current projects: The association of pediatric OSA with AD/HD Insomnia in adolescents Insomnia and dream/nightmare recall Quantitative EEG analysis in pediatric patients with AD/HD.

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