Probing Experience

Fred Boekhorst Steady progress in Information and Communication technology has advanced the Internet, once merely a tool for exchange of scientific infor- tion between universities, to a platform that enables the transformation of our society. In this new, digital society, people can take more informed decisions because of new mechanisms for finding what yoüre looking for [Google], new mechanisms of accessing background knowledge [Wikipedia], new ways of engaging with one another [chat], new ways of trading goods [e-Bay] and many more. While these represent already profound changes in our lifestyle, the effects of digitizing society have just begun. So far, the Internet has made information accessible through computer screens but the next wave will be ¿The Internet of Things¿. Environments will become smart and responsive to the presence of people and objects. The key underlying technology here is embedded sensor technology that allows sensors to monitor people and their environment and to communicate me- urements. The combination of the Internet [representing Intelligence and p- vasiveness] and sensor networks [representing Ambient probing] will unlock many new applications, for example in the field of optimized logistics, smart agriculture or more intelligent living environments. At Philips, we have set up three different laboratory environments that aim to research how an int- ligent environment could help people. One of those environments is called ¿Care-Lab¿ in which we investigate how technology could help elderly ma- tain an independent lifestyle.

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