Processing Technologies and Food Protein Digestion covers the effect of all the applied and emerging processing technologies, both thermal and non-thermal, on the digestion of food proteins derived from egg, milk, meat, plants, cereals, fish and seafood. Written by experts from a multidisciplinary perspective, each chapter addresses the effects of processing technologies, particularly emerging technologies such as pulsed electric field, ultrasound, high-pressure, pulsed light, and ohmic heating on the digestion of food proteins. This remarkable reference is the first compilation of available literature in the protein digestibility area. - Covers the available literature in the protein digestibility area - Presents all the applied and emerging processing technologies, both thermal and non-thermal, on the digestion of food proteins derived from egg, milk, meat, plants, cereals, fish, or seafood - Describes, in detail, the digestion of food in the human gut, with a particular focus on animal and vegetable protein digestion