Programme to provide courses for parents and education professionals education

Parents are and always will be the closest and most important social agents for the cognitive and emotional education of a child. Wanting to be a parent is a natural act, and at the same time a commitment and a responsibility as great as the love one feels for one's children, and for which one must be prepared. To know the integral development of the child is basic, to understand the changes and the evolution that they go through, helps to understand them, to guide them and to promote their growth. Considering the preparation aspect, we have designed a 10-session program with 59 supporting slides, so that psychologists, psycho-pedagogues, teachers, therapists or any person linked to the educational field can use it, either completely or in certain sessions, for the creation of workshops and schools for parents or education professionals.The aim is to contribute a grain of sand to achieve educate or raise the child in a comprehensive, healthy and happy, and thus form the human beings of society that is needed.

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