Properties of Narrow Gap Cadmium-Based Compounds

Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) is the main material for infra-red detectors in both military and, increasingly, civilian applications such as surveillance and in space. This book fully updates a previous EMIS volume (1987) with new sections on growth and device aspects. In addition, it contains datareviews for a range of cadmium-based materials used both with MTC and independently for solar cells, optoelectric components and X-ray detectors. Areas reviewed for both HgCdTe and for CdTe/CdZnTe/CdSeTe used as substrates: bulk and epitaxial growth; mechanical, thermal, dielectric and optical properties; diffusion of impurities and matrix elements; defects and annealing; band structure; carrier properties; surfaces and interfaces; exploitation in detector and emission devices.