Pulmonary Function Measurement in Noninvasive Ventilatory Support

This book comprehensively addresses the use of pulmonary function measurement for the evaluation, screening and timing of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) from hospital to home care. To do so, it describes three clinical stages of NIMV support: before NIV, to detect early markers and determine whether NIV is appropriate; during NIV, to evaluate NIV response; and in long-term NIV support. Additionally, it assesses a range of complementary health care organizations (pulmonary function labs, pneumology wards, semi-intensive care units and home mechanical ventilation programs), techniques (chest physiotherapy/airway secretions, etc.) and applications. In closing, the book offers practical recommendations on how noninvasive ventilation and lung function measurement can improve outcomes and quality of life, making it a valuable resource for all specialists, e.g. intensivists and pneumologists, as well as anesthesiologists and therapists.