Queer as ... - Kritische Heteronormativitätsforschung aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive

`Queer Studies' researches diverse identities beyond the bounds of heteronormative discourse and simultaneously argues for a fundamental critique of identity, in which the focus is placed on the categories of gender and sexuality which are so important in political and power struggles. This anthology explores the connection between the practical knowledge and everyday practices of queer experience with academic knowledge in a new way, and deftly combines the analysis of production, distribution and consumption of such knowledges with. The essays are based on a broadly conceived understanding of culture, and inquire into the (im)possibilities of queer politics from the perspectives of various disciplines and individual positions of identification.

Barbara Paul (Prof. Dr.) ist Kunstwissenschaftlerin am Institut für Kunst und Visuelle Kultur der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg und Sprecherin des Helene-Lange-Kollegs »Queer Studies und Intermedialität«. Lüder Tietz (Dr., M.A.) ist Ethnologe und Diplom-Psychologe. Er leitet die Forschungswerkstatt »Verfahren der Kulturanalyse« an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg und arbeitet freiberuflich als Coach und Trainer.