Question It! How to Stop Feeling Guilty and Stuck

TRANSFORMATIONAL QUESTIONS FOR SOMEONE WHO IS BEING STUCK OR FEELING GUILT AND SHAME Do you feel that you would like to move forward in your life and start doing something differently? But still, you find yourself in the same situation or state again and again? This ebook contains a series of questions that help you to see "being stuck" in a completely different light. Answering these questions helps you understand why you feel stagnant and what "being stuck" actually means. Is it such a bad state to be, after all? The questions also guide you on bypassing that state and how to "trick" you into doing things again. Or are you unable to move forward in your life because you are paralyzed with guilt and shame? In this ebook, we also examine some basic concepts such as responsibility, participation, and control with the help of a series of questions. Answering the questions will enable you to think outside the box and thus come to terms with challenging feelings like guilt and shame. You are able to reach a state where true transformation is possible.

ChoosingYourWay is about experiencing your own personal way towards Realization. Realization is a state where you start to feel your own I Am Here and Now Presence. It practically means that you have the courage to be in your own skin and embrace life just the way it appears to be at that moment. In that state of Presence, you start to experience things outside of one's limiting mind and see potentials that previously perhaps have been out of sight. That I Am Here and Now Presence is where all the real solutions and practical magic come from. The service I am offering could be defined as spiritual coaching. That simply means that when you have a limiting thought or belief in your mind, we question the truthfulness of that belief. Then we find a new perception that helps you to see your life and reality in a totally new way. There is always another perspective that leads to a new reality.

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