Regional Insecurity After the Arab Uprisings

This book presents an in-depth exploration of the impact of the Arab Uprisings on the relationship between constructions of (in)security, narratives of threat and patterns of socio-political change within the Middle East and North Africa region. It also offers insights into the study of regional security and the operation of threat perceptions.

Pinar Bilgin, Bilkent University Marina Calculli, American University of Beirut Bezen Balamir Coskun, Zirve University, Gaziantep Louise Fawcett, University of Oxford, UK Sally Khalifa Isaac, Cairo University, Egypt Tami Amanda Jacoby, University of Manitoba, Canada Augustus Richard Norton, Boston University, USA Sybille Reinke de Buitrago, University of Hamburg (IFSH), Germany Mariz Tadros, University of Sussex, UK Bassam Tibi, University of Goettingen, Germany