Relocating Popular Music uses the lens of colonialism and tourism to analyse types of music movements, such as transporting music from one place or historical period to another, hybridising it with a different style and furnishing it with new meaning. It discusses music in relation to music video, film, graphic arts, fashion and architecture.

Sr?an Atanasovski, Institute of Musicology SASA, Serbia Peter Atkinson, University of Central Lancashire, UK Katarzyna Chruszczewska, University of Warsaw, Poland Sandra D'Angelo, King's College, London, UK Georgina Gregory, University of Central Lancashire, UK Nick Hodgin, Lancaster University, UK ?aneta Jamrozik, University of Central Lancashire, UK Ewa Mazierska, University of Central Lancashire, UK Eva Näripea, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia Isabel Stoppani de Berrié, Wolfson College, Oxford, UK Lyndon C.S. Way, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

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