Runner's High or

What happens when you run 50 miles on LSD? Can LSD make you happy, gay, or even a better runner? In Runner's High or: Can LSD Make You Gay? Lucas Simon Drake goes on a journey to find out what happens when you combine psychedelic drugs with somethings as extreme as ultra running. He's new to both drugs and ultra running - join in on his journey and you will learn: - Why getting high on your own supply is the best habit in the world - How LSD and the Salem Witch Trials are connected - How the Ultramarathon came to be - How the CIA tested LSD as a mind control substance - How safe it is to buy drugs using Bitcoin - What happens when you run 50 miles on LSD Are we Born to Run (on Hallucinogenic Substances)? Running fifty miles is no small feat in itself, but running fifty miles on LSD might prove an even tougher challenge. Is this the test the world needs to become a better place? Probably not - but it might just get us closer to answering the age-old question: can LSD make you gay?