NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWALL STREET JOURNAL BUSINESS BESTSELLERUSA TODAY MONEY BESTSELLER",Tough times make or break people. My friend Gary teaches you how to make the tragic into magic. Read & reap from this great book.",--Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times best selling series Chicken Soup for the SoulCo-author, Cracking the Millionaire Code, The One Minute Millionaire, and Cash in a Flash.Author, Richest Kids in America",Real estate buyers and sellers have to SHIFT their mindset to new and more creative strategies in this challenging real estate market. This book shows them excellent ways to survive and thrive.",--Robert Allen, author of the New York Times bestsellers Nothing Down, Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income and The One Minute Millionaire.",Change happens. Its natural. Its ever present. Its reoccurring. So when markets shift you need to as well. No one explains this better in the real estate industry than my good friend Gary Keller and his team of talented co-authors. Their latest book, SHIFT, is perfect for all real estate professionals. It captures the very essence of a shifting housing market and what Realtors need to do to thrive therein. SHIFT will help you alter your focus and your actions to ensure that you get your head back in the game and increase your market share, irrespective of strong or weak market conditions. Its a great book - read it today.",--Stefan Swanepoel, author of Swanepoel TRENDS Report, 2006-2009",Need help weathering the storm in todays real estate market? If so, reach for Gary Kellers new book, Shift-- its the lifesaver you need today to thrive tomorrow. Shift is rich in easy-to-understand strategies, charts, and illustrations that show you exactly what you need to do to thrive in todays very challenging and shifted real estate market.",--Bernice Ross, Inman NewsThe Millionaire Real Estate SeriesMore than 1,000,000 copies sold!SHIFTS happen...Markets shift, and you can too. Sometimes youll shift in response to a falling market, and other times youll shift to take your business to the next level. Both can transform your business and your life. You can change your thinking, your focus, your actions, and, ultimately, your results to get back in the game and ahead of the competition. The tactics that jump-start your business in tough times will power it forward in good times. No matter the market-shift!SHIFT explores twelve proven strategies for achieving success in any real estate market, includingMaster the Market of the Moment: Short Sales, Foreclosures, and REOsCreate Urgency: Overcoming Buyer ReluctanceRe-Margin Your Business: Expense ManagementFind the Motivated: Lead GenerationExpand the Options: Creative Financing

Verwandte Artikel

Shift: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times (Paperback) Keller, Gary, Jenks, Dave, Papasan, Jay

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