The story of a unique family taking matters into their own paws. Saving Mama is the tale of a single mother's travels in uncharted territory. With the help of some unlikely warriors-five kitties and one pup-she discovers that life isn't always what you expect, but it can be more than what you dreamed possible. "A window into the private life of a woman as she tackles motherhood, working in a man's world, and discovering who she is, all through the eyes of her beloved felines and one special canine. I found myself laughing at Claire's sassy attitude, cheering her on, and crying for her losses." -Amy Southard, author of Witches of Holy Orchard "A worthy and engaging story!" -Lauren Lyons, Laconia, NH "I love how Claire weaves the heart and soul of her beloved pets into this first-person narrative. Well done!" -Rebecca Watson, teacher, Gilford Elementary School, Gilford, NH