Secure System Design and Trustable Computing

This book provides the foundations for understanding hardware security and trust, which have become major concerns for national security over the past decade. Coverage includes issues related to security and trust in a variety of electronic devices and systems related to the security of hardware, firmware and software, spanning system applications, online transactions and networking services.  This serves as an invaluable reference to the state-of-the-art research that is of critical significance to the security of and trust in, modern society's microelectronic-supported infrastructures.

Chip-Hong Chang is an Associate Professor in the Division of Circuits and Systems, of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his PhD in 1997, in Spectral Techniques in Digital Logic Design, from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Miodrag Potkonjak received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley in 1991. From 1991, he was with the Computer & Communication Research Laboratories of NEC USA, Princeton, NJ. Since 1995, he has been with the UCLA Computer Science Department, where he has been Professor since July 2000. He received the NSF CAREER, OKAWA foundation, UCLA TRW SEAS Excellence in Teaching awards and a number of best paper awards. He has published two books and more than three hundred papers in leading CAD and VLSI design, real-time systems, multimedia, signal processing, security and communications, journals and conferences. He holds 22 patents. His watermarking-based intellectual property protection research formed a basis for the Virtual Socket Initiative Alliance standard. His research interests are focused on system security, computational sensing, distributed embedded systems, computer aided design.