This edited book is based on the best papers accepted for presentation during the 3rd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-3). It is of interest to all researchers practicing geophysics/seismology, structural, and petroleum geology. It includes a set of research studies spanning a large spectrum of geological and geophysical topics with particular reference to Middle East, Mediterranean region, and Africa. It also presents a series of research methods that are nowadays in use for measuring, quantifying, and analyzing several geological domains. Papers cover new research studies on earthquake geodesy, seismotectonics, archeoseismology and active faulting, well logging methods, geodesy and exploration/theoretical geophysics, petroleum geochemistry, petroleum engineering, structural geology, basement architecture and potential data, tectonics and geodynamics, and thermicity, petroleum, and other georesources. The book follows a multidisciplinary approach which combined with the geodynamics of tectonic provinces and investigations of potential zones of natural resources (petroleum reservoirs) provides the basis for a more sustainability in the economic development.

Sami Khomsi:

King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia and CERTE, University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia.

Sami Khomsi is a structural-petroleum geologist. He got his Ph.D. at Tunis University in 2004 and his H.D.R. (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in the same university in 2015. Since 2011, he works in the Department of Petroleum Geology and Sedimentology and in the Geoexploration department in the faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He worked also in different universities in Tunisia and France. Past employment within academia (research and teaching) and industry in the exploration activities: he involved in many international programs, regional exploration assets, regional synthesizes, sites survey, prospects evaluation, and professional expert training (field trip leader for professionals, coaching of geoscientists, etc...) in basin analysis involving basin modeling, structural analysis, and balanced cross sections. Sami collaborated with major oil companies in Eastern Maghreb on field studies, structural analysis of fold-thrust structures, subsurface reservoir characterizations, and seismic interpretations. He has also experience in geophysical methods involving fast processing and interpretation of seismic reflection sections in terms of structural geology-nvestigation-evaluation of plays, characterization of fractured reservoirs, and subsurface mapping.

Mourad Bezzeghoud:

Universidade de Evora, Évora, Portugal, Portugal

Mourad Bezzeghoud is a full professor at the University of Évora (a professor in the Physics Department/School of Sciences and Technology and a researcher at the ICT/IIIFA). He has published dozens of articles in specialized revues and journals and several books and chapters in book. He works in the area of Earth Sciences (Solid Earth Geophysics) with an emphasis in Seismology. He interacted with 198 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific works. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae (FCT, Portugal), the most frequent terms in the context of scientific and technological production are: Seismicity, Focal Mechanisms, Nonlinear Dynamics, Seismic risk, Seismic Source, Azores, Broad Band Seismic Network, Chaos, Earthquake Faults, and Seismic Instrumentation.

Santanu Banerjee:

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India

Santanu Banerjee currently works as a Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Santanu does research in sedimentology and petroleum geology. His research areas include authigenic iron silicates, microbially induced sedimentary structures, basin analysis, provenance interpretations, and alternate potash fertilizer. He is on the editorial board of Journal of Palaeogeography, Minerals, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, and Journal of Earth Systems Science.

Mehdi Eshagh:

University West, Sweden

Mehdi Eshagh, 1977, born in Tehran, Iran, completed his M.Sc. degree in Geodesy from KNToosi University of Technology in Iran and Ph.D. in Geodesy at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) under supervision of Professor Lars E. Sjöberg in 2009. He became docent (habilitation) in Physical Geodesy and Space Geodesy at KTH and worked there as a senior research until 2016 and since September 2013 as a professor of Geodesy at University West in the western part of Sweden. He have about 22 years of activities in teaching diversity of courses in Surveying Engineering and Geodesy, research, and supervision of students at all levels of educations. He is an author of 120 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and the book 'Satellite Gravimetry and the Solid Earth, mathematical foundations', published by Elsevier in 2020; the founder of Journal of Geodetic Science in 2010; and its editor-in-chief since 2018. He is interested in collaboration in teaching and research internationally, e.g., an affiliated professor at the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute, and an adjunct professor at KNToosi University of Technology, and habilitated with University of Sherbrooke.

Ali Cemal Benim:

Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf, Germany

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ali Cemal Benim received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Engineering at the Bogazi?i University, Istanbul, Turkey. He received his Ph.D. degree at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1988, on the topic 'Finite Element Modeling of Turbulent Diffusion Flames' with 'Degree of Distinction'. Following a post-doctoral period at the University of Stuttgart, in 1990 he joined ABB Turbo Systems Ltd. in Baden, Switzerland, where he was the manager of the 'Computational Flow and Combustion Modeling' group. Since January 1996, he is the professor for Energy Technology and the head of Center of Flow Simulation at the Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Broder Merkel:

TUBAF, Freiberg, Germany

• Dissertation (PhD) Dr. rer.nat. as an hydrogeologist (TU München) • Habilitation (Dr. habil) Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel • A full professor for Hydrogeology at TUBAF (1993-2015) Hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, modeling chemical thermodynamics and reactive transport, geo-statistics, GIS, and remote sensing • The dean of the Faculty Geoscience, Geotechnics, and Mining • The DFG liaison officer of TUBAF • The vice rector of TUBAF • The head of the Scientific Diving Center of TUBAF • Field work in Bolivia, China, Chile, Czech Republic, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Hungary, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibia, Palestine, Russia, Spain, USA • Organization of 7 International Conferences Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology.

Amjad Kallel:

ENIS, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia

Dr. Amjad Kallel is currently an associate professor of Environmental Geology in the Sfax National School of Engineers at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. He holds a B.Eng. in Georesources and Environment (1998) from the University of Sfax (Tunisia) and a M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D. degree in Georesources and Environment (2004) from Hokkaido University (Japan). He joined Venture Business Laboratory (VBL) at Akita University, Japan (2005-2006), as a researcher focusing on refining and recycling technologies for the recovery of rare elements from natural and secondary sources. On his return to Tunisia, he worked at the University of Gabes from 2006 to 2011, where he contributed to the elaboration of teaching programs at the Higher Institute of Water Sciences and Technologies of Gabes. Since 2011, he has joined the Sfax National School of Engineers. There, he has also been involved in various research projects related to Environmental Geology and Environmental Geotechnics. Dr. Kallel has co-organized many prestigious workshops, seminars, and international conferences. In 2016, Dr. Kallel joined the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer) and the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (Springer) as the chief editor and the managing editor, respectively.

Sandeep Panda:

Dr. Panda is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Gujarat Biotechnology University, Gujarat, India. His main research areas include (Bio) hydrometallurgical approaches for metal extraction from primary and secondary resources, Bio-desulphurization of Coal, Bio & Chemical approaches for Mine Water treatment and application of eco-friendly approaches for sustainable mineral-metal waste recycling and management. He has been involved as Principal/Co-Principal Investigator and as Team Member in several R&D and Industrial research projects (at both National and International level) since 2009. As of 2023, he has published 55 International journal papers; 4 book chapters & 5 Editorial books of high quality and impact that have received nearly 1950 citations (h-index - 25). One of his articles published in the journal NATURE related to Tech-Metal supply is receiving much attention and appreciation from global leaders working in his area. His research works have invited the attention of several press and media. He has been featured in the WORLD RANKING OF THE TOP 2% SCIENTISTS in the Domain of Mining & Metallurgy (Sub Domain - Environmental Sciences) as per the Standford University list of top-cited scientists in 2020, 2021, 2022. He is an active member of several prestigious professional bodies and technical/scientific committee member in several reputed international conferences. He has served as a reviewer in over 40 reputed International Journals and is currently serving as: (1) Associate Editor of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences & Euro-Mediterranean Journal of Environmental Integration (Springer Nature) and Editorial Board Member of: (2) Frontiers in Microbiology & Frontiers in Environmental Sciences (Frontiers Publications), (3) Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review Journal (Taylor & Francis Group) and (4) Editorial Advisory Board of Detritus Journal (IWWG).

Haroun Chenchouni:

Higher National School of Forests, Khenchela, Algeria

Dr. Haroun Chenchouni is an associate professor and research scientist (Ecologist) at the Higher National School of Forests (Khenchela, Algeria). He is a former associate professor at the University of Tebessa (Algeria). He holds a M.Sc. (Magister) in Dryland Ecology from the University of Ouargla (Algeria) and a doctorate degree in Ecology and Environment from the University of Batna. He graduated as an engineer in Plant Ecology and Forest Ecosystems from the Department of Biological Sciences (University of Batna, Algeria). His research interests are fairly broad; he uses statistical modeling approaches to understand how natural environments, mainly climatic and edaphic factors, and anthropogenic perturbations influence biological interactions, shape trends in population dynamics, and influence community diversity. He uses various biological models to investigate biological interactions and community ecology of arid and semiarid ecosystems of North Africa. At various universities in Algeria, he teaches forest ecology, biostatistics, and ecological modeling. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and internationally recognized research papers. He is also involved in national and international research projects. In 2017, he joined the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (AJGS) as an associate editor. Then in 2019, he was assigned as a chief editor of Topic 2 (biogeochemistry, geobiology, geoecology, geoagronomy) to handle submissions dealing with various fields of biogeosciences, geoecology, climate change, plant and soil science, agricultural and forest environment, and environmental sciences.

Stefan Grab:

School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

He was born in Swiss but grew up in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. He studied geomorphology at the University of Natal with specialization in periglacial geomorphology. Today, he works in both geomorphology and historical climate change sectors. His research regions include southern and eastern Africa, the mid-Atlantic, and Iran (Middle East).

Maurizio Barbieri:

Department of Chemical Engineering Materials Environment, Faculty of Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Italy

Prof. Barbieri holds a degree in Geological Sciences (1994) and a Ph.D. degree in Earth Sciences (1998) from Sapienza University of Rome, (Italy). He is currently a full professor of Environmental Geochemistry and Hydrogeochemistry at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Job-related skills: Geochemical tracers in hydrological studies; interactions between water and the geological and chemical environment; quantitative understanding of chemically based processes in hydrogeochemical environments and complementary physical and biological processes and conditions; kinetics and equilibria of geochemical reactions; the movement of isotopes and soil chemistry; freshwater-seawater interactions in coastal aquifers; basic and applied research on speciation and transformation of trace metals and metalloids during biogeochemical processes in both natural and anthropogenic environments; and radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry. Other fields of expertise are Ion chromatography, ICP-MS, water, soil, and geological mapping, univariate and multivariate analysis of geochemical datasets, isotope analyses of Sr, H, O, and B.