What has remained of the 'sexual revolution'? The contributions in this volume focus on the transformation of sexuality in German speaking countries since the 1960s. Concepts such as politization, therapeutization and normalization of sexuality as well as issues of its emotionalization, somatization and alignment with the ideal of 'equal partnership' are examined in order to assess the epistemic value of processes-oriented contemporary historical research and the history of knowledge and the body. In tracing the various facets of the 'sexual dispositif' since the 1960s as well as their sometimes long history, the contributions aim to submit the assumption of a 'sexual revolution' to historical and critical scrutiny.

Peter-Paul Bänziger (Dr. phil.) ist Ambizione-Stipendiat des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds am Historischen Departement der Universität Basel. Magdalena Beljan (Dr.) ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Forschungsbereich »Geschichte der Gefühle« des Max-Planck-Instituts für Bildungsforschung in Berlin. Franz X. Eder (Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil.) lehrt am Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Wien. Pascal Eitler (Dr. phil.) ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Forschungsbereich »Geschichte der Gefühle« des Max-Planck-Instituts für Bildungsforschung in Berlin.