Sexuelle Vielfalt im Handlungsfeld Schule

The treatment of gender and sexual diversity is gaining significance in debates of education policy and science. Non-heteronormative lifestyles are still deprecated - with great consequences for young people's individual development of identity. However, enabling an appreciative treatment of diverse identities and lifestyles poses special challenges to educators (Diversity Competence). This volume fosters understanding for the origins, effects, and meaning of discrimination based on social categories such as gender, sexual orientation, social status, migration, etc, and how they interact in pedagogical contexts. In addition to theoretical approaches, experts from pedagogic fields and from didactics of natural sciences and the humanities for the first time provide subject-specific impulses for educational processes on the treatment of sexual diversity.

Sarah Huch, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin der Didaktik der Biologie an der Freien Universität Berlin, lehrt und forscht zur Sexualpädagogik und Biologiedidaktik im Kontext von Queer/Diversity Studies und empirischer Sozialforschung. Martin Lücke, Professor für Didaktik der Geschichte an der Freien Universität Berlin, lehrt und forscht zu Geschlechter- und Sexualitätsgeschichte und zu intersektionalem historischem Lernen.