Sherlock Holmes - The Tesla Tele-Automaton

Blueprints of a weapon of unimaginable power are stolen from a room in the Savoy Hotel. > A hansom cab passenger is murdered. The evidence is overwhelming, and the shadow of the noose hangs over cabby Thomas Long. Why does Long refuse to explain what happened on that fateful night in Hyde Park? Watson drags Holmes to a music hall and enlists his aid in a matter of libel and impropriety, but the affair soon grows darker and more menacing - is a habitual killer loose in London so soon after the Ripper? A diamond merchant cannot access his safety deposit box in the London branch of the New York and Continental Bank. A technical malfunction takes on a sinister hue, and Holmes is mired in a complex case with international ramifications. Investigate these cases with Sherlock Holmes! As told by Doctor Watson in the traditional style - with a touch of humour.