Shoreline of Infinity

Shoreline of Infinity features brand new science fiction stories from writers from all over the world; we have an interview with Charles Stross; first in a regular column by Steve Green; a story competition; SF Caledonia, with a science fiction story from John Buchan; and reviews of recently and to be published books-including The Annihilation Score by the aforementioned Charles Stross. Plus, we have fantastic original artwork to accompany each story. Stories: The Three Stages of Atsushi, Larry Ivkovich The Spiral Moon, Alex Barr Symbiosis, Colleen Anderson See You Later, M Luke McDonell The Brat and the Burly Qs, David Perlmutter Approaching 43,000 Candles, Guy T Martland Broken Glass, Joseph L Kellogg TimeMachineStory, Richmond A Clements Cleanup on Deck 7, Claire Simpson Space, John Buchan