Sing What You Cannot Say

In this wonderfully engaging and deeply emotional novel, two women's stories become intertwined in unexpected ways. Composer Anna Katz hides encrypted messages of hope and protest in the music she secretly writes when she is held prisoner in Terezin, a Nazi concentration camp. Modern day music professor Emily Thurgood studies the music created and performed in Nazi camps during the Holocaust. Despite being separated by seventy years and unbelievably different circumstances, the two women both understand the timeless power of music to offer hope and overcome despair. As Sing What You Cannot Say develops, Emily becomes a leading suspect in a murder investigation. While the police draw unexpected connections between her and the victim, Emily finds a mysterious musical clue left in her office. This finally leads her to take matters into her own hands, and she embarks on a complicated mission to prove her innocence. Her search takes her to the Czech Republic, to the concentration camp Terezin, and to times gone by as she attempts to find a killer and unravel a musical mystery. It all comes back to Anna Katz. In the end, Anna might be the only one who can save Emily from being charged with murder.

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