Single-Molecule Metal-Induced Energy Transfer

This thesis presents a novel single-molecule spectroscopy method that, for the first time, allows the dipole orientations and fluorescence lifetimes of individual molecules to be measured simultaneously. These two parameters are needed to determine the position of individual molecules with nanometer accuracy near a metallic structure. Proof-of-principle experiments demonstrating the value of this new single-molecule localization concept are also presented. Lastly, the book highlights potential applications of the method in biophysics, molecular physics, soft matter and structural biology.

Narain Karedla is an experimental physicist at the Third Institute of Physics-Biophysics at Göttingen University, Germany. Narain defended his doctoral research on 'Single-molecule Metal Induced Energy Transfer (smMIET): From Basics to Applications' in June 2016 with the highest distinction (summa cum laude). His current scientific interests include developing single-molecule spectroscopy and superresolution techniques for  biophysical applications. He holds an integrated Master of Science degree in Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

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