Siruneer Sigichaiyal Puttrunooi Gunapaduthavum: Aruvai Sigichai Mattrum Chemotherapyai Thavirpathu Mudiyum

Auto-Urine Therapy known as "Shivambu" is an ancient method of treatment. It has been continuing from generation to generation. In the ancient days, many sages and rishi munis followed and practised urine therapy. Lord Shiva himself recommended the action and ritual of Shivambu Kalpa to Mother Parvati as mentioned in the ancient book Damar Tantra.The powerful practise for healing, Auto-Urine Therapy, has been referred to as "Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi" in 5000-year-old documents called Damar Tantra in the Vedas. God has given a wonderful gift to man, his own water - Shivambu. Shiv means beneficial and salubrious, and Ambu means water. The combined Sanskrit word is Shivambu (beneficial water). They termed Shivambu as a holy liquid.This book, Puttru Nooi Siruneer Sigichaiyin Moolam Gunapaduthavum, is published to enlighten everyone who is diagnosed with cancer to adopt Urine Therapy before going for surgery or chemotherapy. It is safe and does not have any side effects. It can prevent, control or cure cancer. It is free of cost and can be practised at home.People living with diabetes can cure diabetes by adopting Urine Therapy.