Smart Green Innovations in Industry 4.0 for Climate Change Risk Management

This book is concerned with the study of climate change from the perspective of risks for the economy and business. Rethinking climate change from a risk perspective allows making a significant transition from the consideration of climate as a predetermined and permanent context to its interpretation as a factor that influences the economy and business and is manageable. Thanks to the new risk perspective on climate change, the book offers opportunities and offers recommendations for adapting businesses and economic sectors to climate risks. As a forward-looking response to the risks of climate change in the economy and business, this book suggests using smart green innovations in Industry 4.0 - high technologies in support of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The advantage of smart technologies to combat climate change is their increased flexibility and adaptability, as well as the resistance of smart machines to different environmental conditions.

The academic significance of the book is attributable to the fact that it covers, as widely and comprehensively as possible, the full range of ground-breaking smart green innovations in Industry 4.0 with a potential of climate change risk management: from green finance (e.g. blockchain-based cryptocurrencies) to smart and clean energy, as well as smart industrial innovations in Industry 4.0. The combination of public and corporate risk management measures (in particular, the book contains recommendations for the involvement of public-private partnership facilities) of climate change allows achieving a 'synergetic effect' in the form of enhanced support for the implementation of the SDGs.

The originality, uniqueness and novelty of the book lie in the fact that it considers climate change through the prism of risks to the economy and business. This allows clarifying the causal relationships of climate change from a climate change perspective and offering comprehensive recommendations for climate change risk management in the economy in support of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The practical relevance of the book is that it offers forward-looking and applied recommendations for climate change risk management based on smart green innovations in Industry 4.0. Further, the usefulness of the book is that the information in it comes with many real-world examples, statistical data and analysis based on the case-study practices of developed countries (through the example of the EU countries, the UK and the USA) and developing countries with a special focus on BRICS, EEU and Russia.

This book is intended for use by scientists who are exploring the issues of climate change in the economy. In this book, they find a fresh approach to climate change from the perspective of risks to the economy, its individual sectors and the business, as well as innovative solutions for climate change risk management in the economy based on smart green innovations. In addition, the book is of interest to practicing experts. In this book, they find applied recommendations for public and corporate climate risk management based on smart green innovations.

Elena G. Popkova, Professor, Doctor of Science (Economics), the founder and president of the Institute of Scientific Communications (Volgograd, Russia) and Leading researcher of the Center for applied research of the chair 'Economic policy and public-private partnership' of MGIMO University (Moscow, Russia). Her scientific interests include the theory of economic growth, sustainable development, globalization, humanization of economic growth, emerging markets, social entrepreneurship, and the digital economy and Industry 4.0. Elena G. Popkova organizes Russian and international scientific and practical conferences and is the editor and author of collective monographs, serves as a guest editor of international scientific journals. She has published more than 300 works in Russian and foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and books.

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