Social Dimensions of Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Regions

A changing climate is not only a phenomenon addressing the natural world. Social aspects are also a cause of and are affected by climate change, for which reason social dynamics must be considered in climate change adaptation. Being key factors in creating and solving the challenges of climate change, end users, decision makers and local residents need to be addressed and appreciated by those seeking acceptance for adaptation measures and taking action. The sociocultural and hence environmental dimensions of adaptation to climate change in coastal regions and beyond take centre stage in this edited volume. Natural and social scientists from an interdisciplinary background address questions of how to cope with the challenge of climate change in different contexts. The book highlights aspects of coastal adaptation, response strategies, and factors of success in coastal adaptation at regional and local levels.

Grit Martinez is an environmental historian and a senior fellow at the Ecologic Institute, Berlin. She works across the boundaries of scientific disciplines in a sociocultural and ecological context in coastal and maritime regions and has coordinated the KLIMZUG project 'Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast' (RADOST). Peter Fröhle is head of the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). His research focuses on the planning, design and operation of hydraulic engineering and coastal engineering structures and measures, with particular focus on the impact of climate change on these systems. Hans-Joachim Meier is head of the State Authority for Agriculture and the Environment of Central Mecklenburg (StALU MM). The Authority enforces national and regional regulations as well as EU regulations in the field of agriculture and environment.