Sociotechnical analysis of market garden producers in Kisang Commune

The aim of this study is to carry out a socio-technical analysis of market garden producers in the commune of Kisangani. We chose this subject for a number of reasons, including its relevance, its agro-economic importance and its necessity in the fight against poverty. To achieve this objective, we used a purposive survey method, interviewing 30 market-gardening households. In the absence of a large number of market gardeners, the size of the study population was limited to 30 in order to give a scientific meaning to the work. The exhaustive analysis of the data collected in the study area led to the following results: 70% of respondents had never received or benefited from any training in market gardening during their activity, compared with 30% of those who had. Around 27% of respondents' primary occupation was petty trading, with market gardening in second place at 23.3%, followed by civil servants at 16.7%. 31.03% of respondents experience theft, stray animals and pests as major difficulties.