Solar Dynamics and Magnetism from the Interior to the Atmosphere

Discusses recent advances and new problems in the exploration of the Sun's interior structure, solar dynamics and dynamo, mechanisms of sunspot and active regions formation, sources of solar irradiance variations and links between the subsurface dynamics, flaring and CME activity.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission has provided a large amount of new data on solar dynamics and magnetic activities during the rising phase of the current and highly unusual solar cycle. These data are complemented by the continuing SOHO mission and by ground-based observatories that include the GONG helioseismology network and the New Solar Telescope. Also, the observations are supported by realistic numerical simulations on supercomputers. This unprecedented amount of data provides a unique opportunity for multi-instrument investigations that address fundamental problems of the origin of solar magnetic activity at various spatial and temporal scales. This book demonstrates that the synergy of high-resolution multi-wavelength observations and simulations is a key to uncovering the long-standing puzzles of solar magnetism and dynamics.

This volume is aimed at researchers and graduate students active in solar physics and space science.

Originally published in Solar Physics journal, Vol. 287/1-2, 2013.

Dr. Nagi N. Mansour is a NASA Chief Division Scientist and Deputy Director of the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford University.

Dr. Alexander G. Kosovichev is a Senior Research Scientist at Stanford University and Co-Investigator of the Solar Dynamics Observatory Mission.

Dr. Rudolf Komm is a Research Scientist at the National Solar Observatory, and a leading expert in helioseismology, dynamics of the solar convection zone, and the solar activity cycle.

Dr. Dana Longcope is a Professor at the Physics Department of Montana State University and the 2003 winner of the Karen Harvey Prize from the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society.