Solid Waste Landfilling

Solid Waste Landfilling: Concepts, Processes, Technology provides information on technologies that promote stabilization and minimize environmental impacts in landfills. As the main challenges in waste management are the reduction and proper treatment of waste and the appropriate use of waste streams, the book satisfies the needs of a modern landfill, covering waste pre-treatment, in situ treatment, long-term behavior, closure, aftercare, environmental impact and sustainability. It is written for practitioners who need specific information on landfill construction and operation, but is also ideal for those concerned about the possible return of these sites to landscapes and their subsequent uses for future generations. - Includes input by international contributors from a vast number of disciplines - Provides worldwide approaches and technologies - Showcases the interdisciplinary nature of the topic - Focuses on sustainability, covering the lifecycle of landfills under the concept of minimizing environmental impact - Presents knowledge of the legal framework and economic aspects of landfilling

Raffaello Cossu is Full Professor in Waste Management and Dean of the Environmental Engineering School at Padova University. He is Chairman of 'Sardinia' International Symposia on Waste Management and Landfilling, and 'Venice” Symposium on Biomass and waste to energy; Co-chairman of Crete Conference on Hazardous waste. Dr. Cossu is Past President of IWWG (International Waste Working Group) and is currently Editor in Chief of the journal Waste Management published by Elsevier, He has authored more than 200 articles and conference papers and co-edited four international books on landfilling technology.