Solidarität in der Migrationsgesellschaft

This volume explores the normative foundations of fair(er) relations in the immigration society. The focus is on the concept of solidarity. Beyond a »solidarity among intimates«, immigration society solidarity designates an active practice, which while not necessarily commonality-based, entails both a concrete opponent as well as a political concept of society. This idea is questioned and further developed in the contributions in terms of its theoretical, moral, educational, philosophical, and sociological dimensions.

Anne Broden ist Leiterin des Informations- und Dokumentationszentrums für Antirassismusarbeit in NRW (IDA-NRW), Düsseldorf. Paul Mecheril (Prof. Dr.) ist Professor an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg und Direktor des Centers for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies (CMC).

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