Soul Of The Ancients

Detective Jeremiah 'Tex' Davis lay in the hospital dying one year after retiring from the police force. Journalist Justin Hawkins is assigned to write a 'puff piece' on Tex. He spends three mornings with him before he dies only to learn that Tex has extraordinary 'powers' that have guided him through his exceptional career. These powers enable him to not only see and prevent crimes before they happen, but to see the effect these crimes have on all of society. His powers force him to decide who lives and dies, among other things. Ultimately, Tex is left feeling guilty and uncomfortable about the decisions he's had to make in his life. As the days pass he begins to trust Justin and decides to warn him of a super-secret 'dark force' in the world that uses a broad range of techniques to try to control and steer important people and events in the direction 'they' deem necessary. 'They' come in the form of government agents, hapless neighbors and maniacal serial killers but ultimately utilize their own 'powers' to their own secret end. Their mission is to create well-placed chaos in the world with results that are effective, mysterious and often diabolical & messy. Tex knows that Justin is unknowingly caught up in all of it. He just doesn't know how to tell him this. A saintly Polish Priest named Father Ski, who ultimately has incredible 'powers' of his own, mentors Tex through his difficult transition from this life to the next. He also attempts to help Justin manage the evil dark forces that are closing in on him from all sides. The ones that eventually try to get him in the end.