Spacecraft Attitude Control: A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach solves problemsfor spacecraft attitude control systems using convex optimization and, specifi cally,through a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. High-precision pointing and improvedrobustness in the face of external disturbances and other uncertainties are requirementsfor the current generation of spacecraft. This book presents an LMI approach to spacecraftattitude control and shows that all uncertainties in the maneuvering process can besolved numerically. It explains how a model-like state space can be developed through amathematical presentation of attitude control systems, allowing the controller in question tobe applied universally. The authors describe a wide variety of novel and robust controllers,applicable both to spacecraft attitude control and easily extendable to second-ordersystems. Spacecraft Attitude Control provides its readers with an accessible introductionto spacecraft attitude control and robust systems, giving an extensive survey of currentresearch and helping researchers improve robust control performance. - Considers the control requirements of modern spacecraft - Presents rigid and flexible spacecraft control systems with inherent uncertainties mathematically, leading to a model-like state space - Develops a variety of novel and robust controllers directly applicable to spacecraft control as well as extendable to other second-order systems - Includes a systematic survey of recent research in spacecraft attitude control

Chuang Liu is an Associate Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. He is also Scientific Committee Member of Aeromeet 2022. He received the COSPAR Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scientists in 2020. His research focuses on aerospace engineering.