Wenner-Gren Center International Symposium Series, Volume 36: Speech Motor Control covers the papers presented at an interdisciplinary conference on Speech Motor Control, held at the Wenner-Gren Center in Stockholm on May 11 to 12, 1981. The book focuses on the methodologies, approaches, processes, and techniques employed in speech motor control. The selection first offers information on the interdisciplinary challenge of speech motor control and analogies between central motor programs for speech and for limb movements. Discussions focus on regulation of cerebral motor cortex output by afferent input, goal-orientation and voluntary movement, interaction of transcortical and segmental reflexes, plasticity of speech gestures, and the task of the speech motor system. The text then takes a look at speech production mechanisms in aphasia and functional landscapes in the cerebral cortex related to speech, as well as motor errors and phonetic transcription studies and correlational analysis of consonant preferences in infants, languages, and aphasic errors. The publication ponders on functional landscapes in the cerebral cortex related to speech; comment on the partial roles of the cerebral hemispheres for speech; and speech breathing kinematics and mechanism inferences. The text also ponders on the aspects of voice production and motor control, vocal fold kinesiology, and oral mechanoreceptors. The text is a dependable reference for readers interested in speech motor control.