Student motivation in EFL classrooms. How does intrinsic and extrinsic motivation affect the behaviour of students in primary school ?

Studienarbeit aus dem Fachbereich Pädagogik - Pädagogische Psychologie, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This term paper deals intensively with the motivational problems of children in primary school and furthermore how their motivation is influenced from both inside and outside. Due to the acceptance that motivation is an important prerequisite for teaching one could assume that the changes in school today affect the general motivation of students. One should also have a closer look at student motivation in general, to be able to keep students attentive and motivated. It is important to understand why some students fell in their grades, do not want to participate at all anymore or why they behave conditionally enthusiastic in some situations. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are taking a large part of it. In addition to this, the central topic of this term paper is the question how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation affect the general motivation or behaviour of students in primary school. To all this, there are further questions. What is motivation and what are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? How do they affect the students and what are their causes? How can the teacher provide support? And in the end, are these measures sufficient to turn a low-motivated student into a person with confidence? In order to answer these questions, the term paper will be structured as follows. Starting with the theoretical content of motivation, it will be explored what is behind this term. Then intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which are also important in the context of school learning, are going to be presented. In the third chapter the theoretical knowledge, discussed in chapter two, will be demonstrated, regarding school learning behaviour I have observed and carried myself. Then the question of motivation will be dedicated to myself by thinking back to own experiences. In chapter four the things found out in chapter two and three will be discussed and concluded. Finally, once again all the insights gained during my examination of the topic how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation affect the general motivation or behaviour of students in primary school, will be presented.

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