Sustainability Politics and the Media. Sustainability issues in the face of media based agenda setting

Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Politics - Environmental Policy, grade: 1,3, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, course: Umweltpolitik, language: English, abstract: While there can be no doubt that the modern information society does much to strenghthen the global sustainability movement, the mass media's shifting focus can also lead to serious problems when it comes to promoting those sustainability topics which do not make for interesting headlines and draw very little mediatic repercussion. In this context, one can distinguish several different problematic scenarios, to each of which I will devote a short passage of this essay.

Nach dem Studium der Klassischen Philologie in Freiburg (MA) arbeitete ich einige Zeit als Latein- und DaF-Lehrer. Dann folgte ich meiner alten Kinheitsliebe zur Natur und studierte Environmental and Sustainability Studies in Lueneburg und Barcelona (BSc). Zur Zeit spezialisiere ich mich weiter und absolviere einen MSc in Marine Environmental Protection in Bangor (Wales).