Symptomatology and Therapy of Toxicological Emergencies

Symptomatology and Therapy of Toxicological Emergencies is a handbook on toxicological emergencies that includes much new material and discusses many new substances which have become available since the second edition, entitled ''Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Certain Acute Intoxications,'' was published in 1958. When compared with the second edition, this volume covers a considerably larger number of drugs and chemicals, presents urgently needed information on poisonous plants, lists the compounds implicated in blood dyscrasias, and includes accepted threshold limit values for chemicals, the maximum permissible concentrations of various chemicals in food, drugs, and cosmetics, as well as tables on the acute toxicity of numerous chemicals. This handbook will be helpful to teachers of chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, radiation medicine, etc., who instruct students or supervise the work of technicians. It will be of particular value to those industries and operations which have an active industrial hygiene program. Finally, but most important, this volume was written for the physician who needs toxicological information on a drug or a chemical, who may need a reference book which will quickly review for him the major side effects he may expect in a patient, or who requires additional information for the treatment of an intoxication.