The Afro-Latin@ Experience in Contemporary American Literature and Culture

This book examines contemporary Afro-Latin@ literature and its depiction of the multifaceted identity encompassing the separate identifications of Americans and the often-conflicting identities of blacks and Latin@s.  The Afro-Latin@ Experience in Contemporary American Literature and Culture highlights the writers' aims to define Afro-Latin@ identity, to rewrite historical narratives so that they include the Afro-Latin@ experience and to depict the search for belonging.  Their writing examines the Afro-Latin@ encounter with race within the US and exposes the trauma resulting from the historical violence of colonialism and slavery.

Jill Toliver Richardson is Assistant Professor of English at Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY), USA where she teaches Contemporary Urban Writers and Latina/o Literature and composition.  She was a recipient of the Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellowship and has previously published in the journals Label Me Latina/o and CENTRO.

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