The American Enterprise Party (Volume III): Restore the American Enterprise Work Ethic with Humanism

**In Volume Three of the American Enterprise Party Books**, I write about who will represent the USA patriotically and ethically in the worldwide marketplace ... to do so we must restore worker patriotism and work ethic that has been destroyed by apathy, and how to . . . "Restore the American Work Ethic" . . . "Where oh Where has it Gone." It focuses on improving the USA's output by revamping our input of human capital values. Work for the sake of patriotic pride and the quality of life not just for the sake of money and job security. Unfortunately, we the American enterprising workers, are hampered by Big Government and Big Business as being Better and our own ineffectiveness because of a lack of competitiveness and quality as defined by Humanism in a Lassez-Faire free-market enterprise.