The Aqueous Chemistry of Polonium and the Practical Application of its Thermochemistry

The Aqueous Chemistry of Polonium and the Practical Application of its Thermochemistry provides a thermochemical database and derived pH-potential diagrams to give readers a better understanding of polonium behavior. The book provides an introduction to polonium and its physical and chemical properties, as well as a detailed overview of polonium's chemical thermodynamics. Drawing on the knowledge of expert authors, the book provides key insights for those working with polonium across a range of different fields, from mining industry professionals and analytical chemists, to environmental remediation scientists.

  • Provides a unique and detailed review of polonium chemistry
  • Presents pH-potential diagrams for polonium and case studies showing their use in practice
  • Reviews the practical use of polonium in a range of different applications

Susan Brown is a Senior Radiochemist within ANSTO's Minerals business unit, where she leads the radiochemistry group providing radioanalytical expertise and support to projects. Susan has over 30 years' experience in the field of radiochemistry and has extensive knowledge and understanding of radioactivity and the radioanalytical techniques used for the measurement of naturally occurring radioactivity (NORM). Additionally, Susan has expertise in the deportment of radioactivity in a wide range of mineral processing circuits, waste management, product quality, regulatory and WHS.