The Body Image Survival Guide for Parents

'What do I tell my daughter when she asks me if she's fat?' 'Why does my nine-year-old son want six-pack abs?' 'How can I tell if my child has an eating disorder?' 'What can I do to make sure my child is getting the healthiest messages at home?' Marci Warhaft-Nadler tackles the tough questions that you and your kids face as they negotiate aspects of body image and self-esteem in a world filled with adverse messages. With over two decades of experience on both sides of the fitness industry and herself a survivor of an eating disorder, she speaks from the heart with straight-forward and savvy advice. Understanding the challenges is the first step; learning the tools needed to empower kids to tune out the negative messages and tune in to their own incredible potential is the next. Hands-on tips and activities, real questions and answers, helpful Internet resources, and warning signs of dangerous behavior make this book the ultimate body image guide for parents of kids of all ages.