The Book in Africa

This volume presents new research and critical debates in African book history, and brings together a range of disciplinary perspectives by leading scholars in the subject. It includes case studies from across Africa, ranging from third-century manuscript traditions to twenty-first century internet communications.

Fawzi Abdulrazak, independent scholar, USA Joyce Ashuntantang, University of Hartford, USA Nourdin Bejjit, Mohamed V University, Morocco Ruth Bush, University of Bristol, UK Caroline Davis, Oxford Brookes University, UK Archie Dick, University of Pretoria, South Africa Claire Ducournau, University Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, France Alessandro Gori, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Jack Hogan, University of Kent, UK Shamil Jeppie, University of Cape Town, South Africa David Johnson, The Open University, UK Elizabeth le Roux, University of Pretoria, South Africa Giacomo Macola, University of Kent, UK

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